How I can contribute to repairing the economy

It is only now with more countries reopening their economies that we start realizing just what a disastrous effect this pandemic has. This brings me to, what can I as an individual do to contribute to the quickest possible recovery.

A lot of times we see ourselves as too small a drop in the ocean to think that we can actually make a difference. This is not true at all. We will still buy things, even if we have to scale down for time being, and it is this that gives us power. We have to use our money to create a better life for everyone in our communities.

The only idea I want to convey with this article is: Buy local.

Buy from local businesses that sell locally produced products, equipment and services. This way we ensure that we all benefit.

When you buy local:

  • Local people (your clients) are employed and can therefore afford your services and products.
  • The profit goes to local business owners that will spend more of it locally, and will make more micro investments in their businesses that will lead to further employment opportunities for local people. Thus, more clients for you.
  • This creates a diverse local business environment. Maybe three or four smaller shops employing 3 people each, than one warehouse employing 9 people. When a downturn hits the economy this means that the other shops can absorb one or two of the employees when one shop closes. When a warehouse closes it means the community is out of suppliers and everybody is unemployed.
  • Local social stability and welfare is created.
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