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South Africa


Accreditation is a term commonly used to describe an institution, school or programme that has been approved in some way and to show that academic quality and standards have been checked and verified. The term is used differently in different education systems.

It is important that students and prospective students alike have confidence in the integrity of the award they are signing up to. For our courses, this is guaranteed through the ‘E-learning Excellence’,  the ‘Advanced Global Education’ hallmark and the Conformité Européenne.

Furthermore, our courses are underwritten by the Department of Health and the National Laser Center in South Africa.

Letter Dept. of Health South Africa

Letter CPUT

Letter Madge Wallace

Letter Susca Watts

Our certificates are accepted in all countries listed below:

Albania Greece Oman
Andorra Grenada Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Guatemala Paraguay
Argentina  Honduras Peru
Armenia Hong Kong Poland
Australia Hungary Portugal
Austria Iceland Romania
Azerbaijan India Russia
Bahamas Ireland Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bahrain Israel Saint Lucia
Barbados Italy Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belarus Japan Samoa
Belgium Kosovo San Marino
Belize Kazakhstan Sao Tome and Principe
Bolivia Kyrgyzstan Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Latvia Seychelles
Botswana Lesotho Slovakia
Brazil Liberia Slovenia
Brunei Liechtenstein South Africa
Bulgaria Lithuania South Korea
Burundi Luxembourg Spain
Cape Verde Macau Suriname
Chile Macedonia Swaziland
Colombia Malawi Sweden
Cook Islands Malta Switzerland
Costa Rica Marshall Islands Tajikistan
Croatia Mauritius Tonga
Cyprus Mexico Trinidad and Tobago
Czech Republic Moldova Tunisia
Denmark Monaco Turkey
Dominica Mongolia Ukraine
Dominican Republic Montenegro United Kingdom
Ecuador Morocco United States
El Salvador Namibia Uruguay
Estonia Netherlands Uzbekistan
Fiji New Zealand Vanuatu
Finland Nicaragua Venezuela
France   Niue    Canada
Georgia Norway    Egypt


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